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Jan 30, 2023


David Hows is the host of the Ocean Sailing Podcast and owner of Ocean Sailing Expeditions. We talk about his adventures sailing in the southern hemisphere, his 72' steel cutter, the Sydney Hobart Race, running a sailing charter business, and much more.


Jan 23, 2023

David Hows is the host of the Ocean Sailing Podcast and owner of Ocean Sailing Expeditions. We talk about his adventures sailing in the southern hemisphere, his 72' steel cutter, the Sydney Hobart Race, running a sailing charter business, and much more.

Jan 16, 2023

Part 2 of my conversation with Chris-Stanmore Major, discussing his Open 60, sailing an 80' maxi, running a chartering business, and more.

Jan 9, 2023

Sailing an open 60, heavy weather, sailing an 80' maxi, singlehanding big boats, Chris' podcasts "The Mariner" and "The Mariner's Library," approaching a new coast, cruising vs racing, The Global Solo Challenge, developing mental endurance, Cape Horn, favorite moments at sea, developing cold-water tolerance, and more!

Jan 2, 2023

Guy Morris is a sailor and an author. We talk about sailing around Los Angeles and Catalina, running aground, running a charter business, sinking at the dock, the pirate Henry Morgan and his lost treasure, Roatan, Mayan mythology, haunted caves, and his book, The Curse of Cortes.