Jan 27, 2025
MJ and Amy Sizemore from Motherload Sailing sailed in November from Linton Bay, Panama, to Ft. Pierce, Florida, through the Windward Passage, and without stopping. They sail a Bavaria 50 with their five boys, but have sold it and are buying a Lagoon 410 catamaran.
We talk about clearing out of Panama, the Ngäbe...
Jan 20, 2025
Helga Marie Lovenskiold Kveseth, aka Mara, is a Norwegian entered in the 2026 Golden Globe Race, an around-the-world, solo, and nonstop race using only technology from 1968 or before. She holds a Captain's License and has over 25,000 nm sailing experience. She once trained for the olympics in fencing, was a rower...
Jan 13, 2025
Lin Pardey is a living legend best known for sailing long offshore passages in small traditional boats witout engines or electronics. Lin and her late husband Larry have sailed over 200,000nm, have circumnavigated in both directions, and have sailed around all the great capes east to west (contrary to prevailing wind)....
Jan 6, 2025
Bert Terhart is a Canadian adventurer who has cicumnavigated solo, nonstop, navigating only with a sextant. He also crossed Canada from west coast to east coast in a canoe in one season, which we talk about on my other podcast "Dream Chasers and Eccentrics." In this episode, we talk about his circumnavigation and why...