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Dec 27, 2021

Roan and Carrie Poulter, aka The Wayward Travelers, spoke to me from Key West after completing the Great Loop in their 1988 Gemeni 3000 catamaran. We talk about their route, storms, friendly locals, the Erie Canal, selecting a boat for the loop, budgeting for the loop, their 5 great adventures, shade, showering,...

Dec 20, 2021

Gary French was sailing his brand new Amel 50 off the coast of Spain in 2020 when his boat was attacked by Orcas. We talk about the boat, the orca attack, repairing the boat, the ARC 2020, safety, and more.

Dec 13, 2021

Matt is refitting the classic Open 60 formerly known as Duracell and turning it into a cruising home for he and his wife. We talk about learning to sail, racing in Puget Sound, living aboard in the Pacific Northwest, why he took on this project, his inspirations, Mike Plant, designing the interior, diesel/electric...

Dec 6, 2021

Simon Curwen will be sailing around the world solo and nonstop in his Biscay 36 in the 2022 Golden Globe Race. We talk about racing, his boat, tiller vs wheel, full keel vs modern designs, headsail configurations, roller furling vs hank-on, dual mainsheets, Hydrovane vs Aries, selecting lines, antifouling, reefing,...

Dec 4, 2021

An interview with Donna, the Marina Manager at the Errol Flynn Marina in Port Antonio, Jamaica.